Birdietalk Productions Wiki

Chet is a Total Drama character.

Chet Static

Chet's artwork.


Chet is average in every aspect. He has a hair-trigger temper and a tendency to whine and complain about everything. His biggest rival was his stepbrother Lorenzo, whom he became forced to live with after the marriage of their parents. This, however, did not end the feud and they continue to fight every time they get into eye-contact of one another. Not pleased with the idea that they are now a family, Chet and Lorenzo apparently begged their parents several times to get a divorce. They refuse to go through with it, so BT Productions dragged them to the BrantSteele Hunger Games Simulator in a last-ditch effort to get them to stop fighting. Chet's normally quite lazy, but if there's an opportunity to show up Lorenzo, he suddenly becomes very motivated. Chet shows that he is skillful when it comes to gymnastics.
